Achievements & Accomplishments
Education World India School Rankings 2018
A great feat for New Era High School!!!
According to the Education World India Rankings 2018, New Era High School stands Second in Maharashtra.
Conducted by the premier market research and polling company C fore, Delhi, the Education World India School Rankings 2018 ranks over 400 of the country’s most well-known primary-secondary on the basis of perceptual ratings awarded by a carefully constituted sample respondents base of 3,070 parents, principals, teachers and educationists across 14 parameters of excellence.
Mr. Vivekanandan Reddy visited Mumbai, at the invitation of Education world, where, on behalf of New Era School, he received the award proclaiming New Era High School as the second ranking school in Maharashtra!
This has been a major achievement for the school and upholds the Baha'i principle which says that “ The education and training of children is among the most meritorious acts of humankind and draweth down the grace and favour of the All-Merciful, for education is the indispensable foundation of all human excellence and alloweth man to work his way to the heights of abiding glory.”
CBSE Cluster 9 Basketball State Level Tournament
Learning To Accomplish Dreams... The school’s participation in the CBSE Cluster 9 Basketball State Level Tournament from Sept 06-Sept 10, 2019, is described below in the words of Laija N. Of Class X: “The students of the Basketball club of Under 19 girls and Under 17 boys received a golden opportunity to participate in the CBSE Basketball tournament which was held in Arya Public School, Pimpaner, District Sholapur. There were 20 participants who were accompanied by P.E teachers and a lady mentor. A total of 85 schools participated in the tournament. The under 19 girls played their first match with Sanjay Godhawat school on Sept 07 and won the exhilarating match by a resounding score of 36, 09, getting selected for the semi-finals! They stood third as decent runners up in the semi-final with GGIS School and the score was 12, 18. The Under 17 boys received a ‘bye’ in the first match whereas their second match was played with New Horizon School, Nanded. They won this match reaching the Quarter Finals against DAV School, Pune where the boys emerged stoic runners up as they lost by one basket with the final score 51, 53. This experience helped us to learn more from the other schools of Maharashtra and provided us the necessary know how about accomplishment of our goals paving the path to become better Basketball players. We had a marvellous time and made new friends.”
The Athletic Meet - District Level 2019-20
The New Era athletes showed strength and determination in the district level athletic meet held in Satara on . The linesmen were fair and made sure that everything was at par with the regulations. The New Era athletes performed with vigour and enthusiasm. The ranks were as follows in District level: - U-19 boys 400m -2ndposition, (Yash, Latifur, Hridai and Amaan), 400m -3rdposition (Amaan) and 100m -4thposition (Latifur) Even at Taluka level, there were many from New Era who emerged triumphant on 28th and 29th September 2019. They were as follows: U- 19 :- Latifur Shaikh – 100 meters ( 2nd) ,Laija Naorem – 100 meters (1st) , Mahek Gajera 1500 meters ( 1st) , Riya Barad – 400 meters (1st) , Amaan Malik – 400 meters (1st) and 800 meters (2nd) , Latifur Shaikh , Yash Bafna , Hridai Mahendra and Amaan Malik . ( 4*100) meters 1st, Divya Bhishnoi – Discuss Throw (1st) , Rajvi kangad – Discuss Throw (3rd) and Hridai Mahendra – 800 meters (3rd) from U-17 , we had : Adnan Khan 1500 meters and 300 meters (2nd) , Daya Singh ,Saumil Biradar and Harsh Choudhary (4*100 ) meters – (1st) "The athletes were focused, friendly and sporting. The experience was another lesson in sportsmanship and camaraderie.” said one of the athletes.